Career Opportunities » Summer Infusion Advisor

Summer Infusion Advisor

Summer Infusion Advisor
Providence, RI and/or Newport, RI
The primary responsibilities of the Summer Infusion Advisor include mentoring the Alumni Advisors and Rookie Advisors. SI Advisors will help Alumni and Rookies with planning, strategizing, creating and implementing lessons and activities, de-briefing, troubleshooting, providing Met perspective, etc. SI Advisors will be working with groups of alumni advisors to help them take the lead advisor role for Summer Infusion. The SI Advisor’s role includes guiding new incoming students through their first official opportunity as a Met student. SI Advisors will work with administrators to help guide the program by planning and facilitating meetings and activities and supervising alumni advisors. SI Advisors are also responsible for recruiting and securing mentors and current students to present and volunteer at Summer Infusion. More details will be provided once you are offered the position.

Required Work Dates:
Summer Infusion Prep and Training Days
Training: Friday, June 20th and Tuesday, June 24th: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Summer Infusion Days
Wednesday, June 25th and Thursday, June 26th: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Friday, June 27th:
Providence: 8:00 am – 6:30 pm (graduation with dinner served 5:00 - 6:30 pm)
East Bay: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (graduation with dinner served 3:30 - 5:00 pm)

Preferred Qualifications:
All Met Staff are welcome to apply, however, Looper Advisors are preferred for this position.
Please submit your application via this google form by Friday, April 25th ( ) . All applicants will be notified of final decisions by Friday, May 2nd. Please be sure to confirm your commitment once notified.

Thank you.
Contact Michael Hotchkiss
Phone: 401.752.3521
325 Public Street, Providence, RI 02905