Meet Juan

Juan interns with a hospital veterinarian where he assists in surgeries including castration, ovariohysterectomy, c-sections, and tumor removals. Juan helps to hold animals while they are receiving subcutaneous IV’s or shots. He has learned how to run blood tests including the 4DX, and log data from them. Juan reconstitutes vaccines, cleans ears and cuts patient nails. He has also been helpful around the office answering phones, filing papers and welcoming clients. Juan completed each of the tasks for his Penn Foster vet tech certification through this internship work, and continues to study animal anatomy. 

Juan’s Accomplishments

  • Intensive summer program in veterinary medicine, with a full $4000 scholarship to Tufts University-one of nation’s top veterinary schools.
  • Certified to work as a Veterinary Assistant after completing an 18 month Penn Foster program.
  • Roger Williams University and Community College of Rhode Island science courses:
    • Introduction to Oceanography
    • Biology In The Modern World
  • Pet Emergency Education:
  • Canine and Feline CPR and First Aid certification